Self-Managed Super Fund Loan Specialists

Purchasing a residential or commercial property using your superannuation is a possibility when you establish a Self-Managed Super Fund (SMSF).

For the purchase to be compliant, there are some key items that need to be addressed:

  • Your SMSF needs to have an investment strategy that allows for the purchase of the property;

  • Your SMSF needs to have a corporate trustee;

  • The property you wish to purchase must comply with the SMSF lending laws;

  • Your SMSF must meed the lenders liquidity requirements

    And others!


We have put together an e-guide with more information in SMSF Lending. You can download it by clicking here.

Let the experts at BPW Finance guide you through the process of purchasing a property within your Self-Managed Super Fund (SMSF).

And if you don’t have a SMSF already established, our in-house Specialist Self-Managed Super Fund Adviser can work with you to get yours up and running.

JENNa Barker

Finance Broker

SMSF Lending Specialist

Together, Paul and Jenna wil project manage your SMSF purchase from SMSF establishment to settlement. Or, you can bring your own SMSF.

If you would like to ascertain whether a property purchase within a self-managed super fund is right for you, speak with one of our specialists today.